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Ah ... Spring

Posted on Monday, April 20, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

Ah ... Spring. Spring has to be one of my favorite seasons. Although, if you ask David, he will say that I make similar comments about all the seasons. Maybe its just that I love watching the seasons change. The way the trees bud, bloom, change into vivid colors and shed their leaves. The wonders of nature. Growing up we always had a garden or two. My mom was known for plotting out the yard and even tearing up parts of it to make more room. Planting, weeding, and watering were frequent duties that I never disliked doing.

I am excited to start a garden of our own. We have spent the last couple of days going over what kind of garden to plant, where to plant it, and what to plant in it. With that in mind I set out to check what plants, preferably perennials, work well in our region. Saint Cloud is within Zone 4, according to most sites, which limits the types of plants that will work in our yard. In my search I found lots of flowering plants that are full and beautiful. Yet, I am worried that they will not work within our landscape, which basically is our home surrounded by rocks. A great deal of the plants seed themselves and spread, unfortunately that would not be good for our rock gardens. So, I will continue to search and possibly seek the guidance of the nursery or wonderful friends!
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