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Bountiful Harvest

Posted on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

Who would have thought that the tiny little transplants that we thought would die would instead quickly turn into a forest!

On Sunday before we left for Duluth, David and I spent a hurried 10 minutes picking green beans to be brought to my parents (my mom said that she would can them for me). We ended up with about 3/4 of a grocery bag full with a couple of handfuls of sugar snap peas thrown on top. I am in a constant state of awe. Our garden has far surpassed my expectations. I was very worried and slightly disappointed once we had finished the construction of our raised garden. I was quite spoiled with the amount of area that my mom has devoted to her garden and the constant expanding she does! I hated that we needed to limit our garden in order to assure that we had enough of a yard to use. Yet, very soon I will be needing to can for myself. Our pepper plants have exploded and will soon need to be used. All in all, I think that we have done pretty well for our first year of our full garden and the growing season isn't over yet!
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