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Crafts Bring in the Holidays... and David's Nemesis

Posted on Sunday, November 22, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

With the Christmas season quickly approaching and seeming to start earlier and earlier every year, I laugh when people complain that Christmas item don't belong in stores before Thanksgiving let alone before Halloween. Maybe I'm just partial because I love decorating for Christmas or because I love holidays in general, but I don't think we can start too early. Well at least not us crafters... Think about it: crafters need to start their holiday projects way before the start of the season otherwise they won't be finished before the season comes. My family always had a tradition of decorating for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving and one that I am carrying on. A tradition I think a great deal of families participate in too.

So, where does David's nemesis come in you ask? Well...


Julie's Craft Table Julie's Craft Table


That's right. According to David. "Glitter is the bastard child of craft projects everywhere" and during the Christmas season he adds that "Tinsel is it's cousin". Last year I made a couple of tinsel wreaths and think they turned out pretty well. Now I have some more to make due to showing off my hard work. Mom said she thinks that she has just the spot for one and Nancy really likes the blue one... so here I go making wreaths for family and friends and creating a mess in the process. But the finished product makes it worth it.

Silver Wreath with Glowing Lights Silver Wreath with Blue and Green Adornment
Silver Wreath with Green Adornment Advent Wreath


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