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Date Night and the Birthday Week

Posted on Monday, November 09, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

Saturday David and I decided to have a date night. Dinner and a movie in... sounded like a wonderful idea. So, I called in our order for Chinese takeout and David picked it up on his way home from church. We decided to eat and watch our movie downstairs. It was a wonderful idea... but it didn't exactly work out as intended. I think it was the movie choice: Marly and Me. It is a fantastic movie, but not a date night movie. So here we were snuggling on the couch at the end of the movie with a dozen Kleenexes covering the coffee table. I should have known better than to pick a movie that would involve tears.

Sunday morning brought brunch with the Haenke family. We headed to Hinckley to meet up with Nancy, Nikki, Justin, and of course mom and dad. It was my favorite way to spend a birthday: with family. We had a wonderful time at the buffet and of course stuffed ourselves silly.

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