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Doggy Daycare

Posted on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

Let me just start by saying that both David and I love dogs.  We love their wonderful companionship, how they are always happy to see you, and of course their unconditional love.

With that said, take a look at the following videos. Be patient as they may take a minute to load.

For the past two days, I have been home with Winifred (Charles and Kelli's dog) and Honey (my parents dog).  They have enjoyed playing with one another and of course driving me insane! Both dogs have been fairly good... individually they are wonderful. But together they seem to get into everything. When one wants to play the other wants to sleep or if one 'thinks' they hear something and starts barking the other just has to join in. I often found myself giving them 'time outs' and making each go to their perspective blankets or beds. I can only imagine what the neighbors must be thinking. Constantly yelling at one to leave the other alone, stop eating the others food, or to quit being pains in my butt. Bedtime has become an interesting endeavor as well. We found that the dogs need to go to outside separately right away in the morning as well as right before bed. Honey tends to want to mark herself all over the yard (giving David a hard time at 5 am this morning by peeing 7 times in multiple spots). Winifred seems to get shy and will just watch rather than going herself.

All in all we have enjoyed our time and are a little sad to be giving Winifred back tonight. I say a 'little' due to Winifred throwing up a dog treat that Nancy gave her at 2 am on Monday morning. Did I mention that Winifred was sleeping on our bed? And of course, my wonderful husband sleeps like the dead and was completely oblivious to everything. He swears that he will no longer be sharing his blanket with Winifred (which I doubt will ever truly happen). You just have to love these guys!
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