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How Time Flies

Posted on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

How times flies! It seems like yesterday that I wrote how much I like spring and yet, here is summer! David and I have been very busy.

We spent a weekend building our garden box...

Our raised garden box before 6 loads of dirt and compost.

and even more time filling it. We began to start our seeds, in wonderful starter kits, the week after Easter and were hoping to get things in the garden. Yet time goes quickly. Loads of compost and black dirt later.... we were finally able to plant. Spinach, beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, and lettuce, oh my! So now our garden is full and soon we will be delighting in our home grown veggies.

Our raised garden box just a few weeks after planting.

In addition to the work in our garden we have been working on the landscaping in our yard. This is our first chance to really get to work on our general lawn conditions and to get to the specifics of our sprinkler system, the scale on our trees, the rocks around the house and of course trying to decide on those perennials we still need to plant around the house. Fertilizing, weed killing, and trying to get our lawn green are new to us and are often trial and error for us. Hopefully we will be getting it right sooner rather than later though!
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