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I Hate Being Sick

Posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

I hate being sick. After waking from a NyQuil induced sleep to a scratchy throat and a stuffy noise, I hate to admit that I was the smallest bit grumpy and upset that I was feeling under the weather. I hated being sick as a kid yet, somehow I hate being sick as an adult even more. I look at the benefits of being ill during childhood:

Getting out of school - Quite possibly one of the only times that you will be carefree about missing the work. Somehow as an adult missing work or even class as a college student looses its appeal. The extra work you need to make up or the loss in pay tend to decrease your ability to rest fully. I always argued with myself over how sick I truly was and if it was enough to warrant calling in sick. How sick do you need to be in order to call in sick? There seem to be too many questions and guilt associated with using the 'sick time' that you have worked so hard to accumulate.

Medicine - How does this change so drastically?  Gone are the great grape flavors and the easy to swallow liquids. Sadly, the horse pills and rubbing alcohol smells have replaced them. I laugh at the 'cherry' or 'mint' flavors that they jokingly put on the adult bottles. Have they tasted their own products? I don't think so.

Mom - One word depicts being sick as a child perfectly. The bliss of having someone around to care for you. Is there really anything better than having someone bring you your medicine, making you soup, and tucking you in? The wonderful way that the soft rubbing on your back makes the pain disappear. It was so much easier when our own responsibilities were small or even nonexistent. The food no longer makes itself. The medicine does not walk itself to the bed nor does it magically show up in the medicine cabinet. Ah, the wonders that is Mom. How I miss the days of the past... I miss you Mom!!
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