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My Free Time

Posted on Wednesday, July 1, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

Many people ask me what I do with my free time.. well here it is! I love to craft! Both my mother and grandmother are very crafty and seemed to have past it on. Projects have always had a place in my life whether it be in school, Girl Scouts, church or at my mom's daycare. I seem to have moved outside of the general knitting and sewing and into some of the newer crafts like jewelry making and scrapbooking. I would like to think that the complexity as well as the overall look of my projects have improved over time, but who am I to say. I enjoy working with my hands and tend to need to keep busy. Watching tv or a movie tend to be difficult unless I am able to keep my hands busy and keep my focus directed somewhere. I am working towards taking photos and documenting the things that I have made (although many of them have been given away to family or friends). I wanted somewhere to display some of the things that I have done, my favorite links, and different project ideas.

Jewelry Making

Sewing Knitting


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