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Road Trip Time!

Posted on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 by Julie O'Keefe

It begins with the idea that mom and I are going to head to South Dakota to visit with our family (mom's parents and siblings) the Monday after the 4th. It was going to be easy because I would have already been north for the holiday and then we could travel down together and just take Highway 23 back home. Unfortunately, due to some medical problems grandpa was having, we ended up delaying the trip until later in the week so we could spend more time with him.

Mom end up heading down to Saint Cloud on Wednesday afternoon due to some questionable weather that was threatening the range for Thursday. We spent a wonderful day bumming around Saint Cloud, which of course included a trip to Crafts Direct. We headed out of Saint Cloud early Friday morning and made relatively good time, considering that we stopped almost hourly to give the dog a break. Our extended weekend was spent hanging out with family, attending the fireman's street dance and softball games. It was a great long weekend, but like the weekend before we were excited to head home and get back to our normal schedules.
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