The O'Keefe Family Crest   Julie and David O'Keefe
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Julie :: Family Tree  
Family Tree

My family tree project started as a graduation standards project in the 7th grade. We were required to make a family tree that went back at least 4 generations. The project was completed as well as it could be and then remained untouched for years until my college years. During college a psychology course, Marriages and Families Worldwide, my family tree project took a turn towards the genealogy sector. Throughout the course we were required to search our family's history and track illnesses, cause of death, etc. I became highly interested in not only my known family's history, but began to search the internet and other genealogy sites looking farther into the past.

I do hope to post some of what I have completed thus far (although due to the type of program need in order to view the chart it may be a bit before this is completed). I hope to continue working on it with the help of family. Please submit any and all knowledge that you have!

Here are some of the things that I am looking for:

Locations of arrival into the United States
Homestead titles/agreements, lots or county records of farmland
Known dates of birth and locations
Dates of death, location, and cause
Names of siblings, as well as dates of birth/death
Names and dates of marriages and birth/death of children
Levels of education, degrees held (if any)

Birth and death certificates are very valuable resources. They often provide the mothers maiden name, which is very difficult to find elsewhere.

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