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The Proposal

David had the proposal all planned out from the beginning. He had purchased the ring while at home during spring break and somehow managed to keep it hidden and a secrete until a month later when the plan was set into motion. David had planned a scavenger hunt that was to take place early (at least early for college students) and had left his own apartment for about an hour the previous night to set up.

Saturday, April 14, 2007, started with a unique drawing that Julie was unable to guess, so David had to help that the trip would involve Julie's trusty Taurus. The drawing was of the constellation, which made a lot more sense once you knew what it was supposed to be!

University of MN Duluth sign Once in the car, the next place was of course UMD.

David had devised a plan to take us back to where we met and spent our time. Thankfully it had not rained and we were able to continue on! The rest of the hunt took us to Stadium Hall, which was David's current on campus housing,

Griggs A, which happened to be the dorm hall that both David and Julie were in during the freshman years (just not the same year).

And Oakland A Hall, where David lived during his second year.

And last but not least, Oakland B Hall, which was the place where we met.

Now, the picture that was found at Oakland B was very beautiful but not easily interpreted.
Underside of a step on the spiral staircase in Stadium J102
Griggs A sign Oakland A sign
Oakland B sign Japanese Gardens

The entire trip David had been carrying around a brown paper bag that contained 'hints' for any time that Julie got stuck. Unknown to Julie the bag was full of random things to create the look of 'hints.' So, when Julie was unable to say were the next place was, we moved into the stairwell so David could get out a 'hint.' Down on one knee, digging through the bag, David turns around and asks Julie to be his wife! After quickly saying YES, Julie did have to ask if that was it, due to the 'hint' bag. Julie really thought that she was getting an iPod adapter for her car... which she did eventually get for Christmas later during the year.

The final picture was of a bridge at the Japanese Garden in Portland, OR, which is were we went on our honeymoon.

We were married a little over a year later on June 14, 2008 in Chisholm.

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